
How can I access theses and dissertations?

UCA Dissertations and Theses Online

UCA graduate students are required to submit final draft theses and dissertations to ProQuest. The library provides online access to UCA dissertations and theses from 2012 to present via ProQuest.

To search online UCA Dissertations and Theses only:

  1. Navigate to the Library webpage.
  2. Select the link A-Z Databases.
  3. Select Dissertations and Theses @ Central Arkansas from the database list.

Publications can be searched by title, author, or keyword, and can be filtered by publication year or manuscript type.

Please Note: Some authors may choose to embargo, or delay access to the full text of their dissertation or thesis.

UCA Dissertations and Theses in Print

The Library also maintains one print copy of all UCA dissertations and theses in the Archives. These publications can be located by searching the Discovery catalog by title, author, or keyword.

Using the search box on the Library webpage, enter your search terms:

  • If you are doing a title search, start with ti: before entering the title.
  • If you are doing an author search, start with au: before the name.

If the title and author are unknown, combine a keyword search with the search term "University of Central Arkansas," and use the filters to limit results to the format "Thesis, Dissertation."

For more information about searching Discovery for print resources, see How do I find a book using the Discovery search tool?

Finding Dissertations and Theses Beyond UCA

Using Web of Science, you can now search millions of citations for multidisciplinary dissertations and theses from around the world.

  1. Navigate to the Library webpage.
  2. Select the link A-Z Databases.
  3. Select Web of Science from the database list.

On the Web of Science platform, under the DOCUMENTS tab, select the "Search in" dropdown menu. Select ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Citation Index.

You can search by topic, title, author, year published, abstract, institution, department, etc. After you submit your search terms, search results can be refined using the filters on the left, such as publication years, degree type, institution, country, etc. Select a title to view the full abstract and additional publication data.

Web of Science also provides a usage count for each publication, which reflects the number of times the article has met a user’s information needs as demonstrated by clicking links to the full article at the publisher’s website or by saving the article in a citation management tool.

Please Note: The Web of Science ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Citation Index does not provide full text for most citations. You can access full-text UCA dissertations and theses from 2012 to present, and occasionally other open access dissertations and theses in Web of Science.

When full text is not available, titles or chapters can be requested through interlibrary loan

  • Last Updated Oct 19, 2023
  • Views 34