
Can I authorize someone to pick up or check out books under my library account?

The library allows current UCA faculty and staff to add an authorized user to their library account. This is an option if you need someone else to pick up requested items or would like to extend your library borrowing privileges to a member of your household. 

What can an authorized user do with access to my library account? 

Depending on your needs the library had two levels of access for authorized users. 

Minimal Access

  • These users can only pick up items already placed on hold (this includes both UCA items and Interlibrary Loan Items). 
  • They cannot select items from the shelves or inquire about other items checked out on the account. 
  • This level of access is available for graduate assistants, student workers, or administrative assistants.

Full Access

  • At this level, authorized users can select their books from the same collections the patron can access.
  • They can inquire about items on account such as current items checked out or due dates. 
  • This level of access is available to a member of the faculty or staff's household. 

Please note: Adding an authorized user does not extend your privileges to access online library resources off campus.

What are my responsibilities as the main account holder if I authorize a user? 

You are responsible for all items checked out by an authorized user. This includes but is not limited to ensuring items are returned/renewed on time and paying for items lost or damaged by the authorized user.

You are responsible for updating the library when an authorized user needs to be removed from your account. 

How do I add an authorized user to my account? 

To add an authorized user to a UCA Faculty or Staff account, complete the Torreyson Library Authorized User Form or visit the Circulation Desk.

  • Last Updated Aug 06, 2024
  • Views 29