
Can I request full ebooks through interlibrary loan?

You're welcome to try to request a full ebook, but please keep in mind that availability is limited. Print books are still the most likely book format received through interlibrary loan.

Ebook lending is a new service.

Only a few lenders have publisher agreements that allow them to lend full ebooks. About half of UCA patrons' requests for full ebooks are provided by lenders. So far, UCA patrons have received about 100 full ebooks. The practice of full ebook lending through interlibrary loan will hopefully expand further over time.

Submitting an interlibrary loan request for a full ebook.

If you'd like to try to request a full ebook,

  1. Use the search bar on the UCA Library website to find the title. If the UCA Library doesn't own the item, click Libraries Worldwide, and locate the ebook record.
  2. Click on the title of the item, and then Request Item via Interlibrary Loan at the right.
  3. On the request form, the Request Type selected should be Loan, and the Format Type Ebook. We recommend also indicating in the Patron Comments field your format preference, and if you would accept both ebook and print. 

If you are on a tight deadline, contact us, and we'd be happy to provide a status update and help you troubleshoot additional options. For example, you may wish to also request the print book. Once a lender agrees to provide a print book, shipping takes 7-12 days on average. You may also request a one-time chapter scan of up to 10% of the book/ebook; no further scan requests may be made for the title.

While full ebook lending is currently limited, hopefully, opportunities will expand in the future. 

  • Last Updated Aug 16, 2024
  • Views 83