
Can I donate books, journals, magazines, or newspapers to the Library?

Short Answer: Books and DVDs - Yes

The UCA Library accepts donations of new and gently used books and DVDs. Titles will be evaluated and may be added if not already included in the library collection. Donated books not selected for the library collection may be passed on to other libraries or recycled.

To donate books or DVDs, please complete a donation form at the Library Circulation Desk. On this form, you can indicate if you would like a letter of acknowledgment for your donation. If you have a large donation of books or DVDs, please contact Renee LeBeau-Ford at before bringing the items to the library.

Short Answer: Journals and Newspapers - It's Complicated

Print journals, magazines, and newspapers can require a lot of space for storage, and the available space in UCA Library for these resources is limited. The library does keep a small collection of recent popular magazines for leisure reading. These magazines are marked as donations, are not cataloged, and are recycled when out of date. Most of the library's serial resources can be accessed online through library databases and Discovery. The library retains a small number of print journal and newspaper subscriptions that are unavailable online, and recent issues are located in Current Periodicals. Due to space limitations, most unsolicited serial donations must be recycled.

If you wish to donate journals or magazines to the UCA Library, please contact Faculty Librarian Chrissy Karafit at

If you have historical newspapers or other historical documents, please contact the UCA Archives at

  • Last Updated Jul 08, 2024
  • Views 1013