Does the library have the textbook for my course?
Textbooks for many courses are available for checkout at the Circulation Desk. You can find them in the library catalog by searching the title and author, or if you don't know the name of the textbook, browse our course reserves by department.
Quick Facts
- Textbooks can be checked out for two hours and must be used in the library.
- The library is unable to provide access to every textbook for every class.
- With a limited number of copies available for each textbook title, the program is best used as a supplemental resource, and caution should be taken when using it as a substitute for purchasing your textbook.
Searching by textbook title and author
Searching is easier if you know the title and edition of the book needed for your course.
Librarian Tip: Find the textbook title and edition using your class syllabus OR the UCA bookstore website.
- Navigate to the library website.
- Enter your search terms into the box.
- For an exact title search, add ti: followed by the title.
- For an author, add au: followed by the last name.
- To combine a title and author search, use AND to combine the two terms.
- Click on the Search button to start the search.
- When looking at your search results, take note of the edition.
- When you have the record with the correct edition selected, take note of the availability, including the location and the call number.
- If the location is Textbook 2 hour, take the call number and title information to the Circulation Desk. Staff will retrieve and check out the book for you.
Browsing course reserves by department
If you are unsure of the title or unable to find the textbook listed in the library catalog, you can browse by the department. This can be done by searching Course Reserves in Discovery.
- Listings are organized by semester, then department, and can be selected to see the books available through the library for that semester.
- Most books listed are included with a photo of the book cover.
- If the library has the physical book, the location, and availability are shown.
- If the library has access to the ebook version, clicking the View eBook button links you directly to the ebook.
- When needed, a Note is added to provide additional information.
- Last Updated Oct 08, 2024
- Views 4631
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