How do I reserve a study room?
Study rooms are available by reservation for individuals and groups, and detailed instructions on how to make a reservation and access the room are below.
Making a study room reservation
- Navigate to the Study Room Reservations page.
- From the drop-down menu, select a location based on the type of room you are trying to reserve - Individual and Double Study Rooms or Group Rooms.
- Adjust search criteria using the drop-down menus, set the desired date and time*, then click the Search button.
- Category - Narrows the search but room type.
- Capacity - Narrows the search by the number of users.
- Zone - Narrows the search by library floor.
- From the search results, review the available rooms and their descriptions, and choose a room by clicking the Book Now button.
- Log in to the UCA Single Sign-on using your UCA credentials.
- Review the reservation information and fill in your first and last names.
- Read the terms and conditions and select I agree to the Terms & Conditions of this booking.
- Click Submit My Booking to finalize your reservation and complete the process. You will see a confirmation screen and receive a booking confirmation email.
*The time defaults to the upcoming hour and you may have to adjust the start time if you want a room available immediately.
What happens next?
- At the start time of your reservation, find the room you reserved.
- Check into your room using the link and confirmation code in your email.
- When your booking time ends, collect your things and leave the room for the next student. If you leave before the end of your reservation time, please check out so the room will be available to other students.
- Check room availability and make reservations before coming to the library and up to 24 hours ahead.
- Want to reserve a specific room, change the search tap to Search by Space. This search allows you to enter a room number and see what times and dates the room is available.
- Each day you can reserve individual and double rooms for up to six hours and group rooms for up to two hours.
- If you don't check in within the first 20 minutes of your reservation, your reservation will be canceled and opened up to other students.
- Arrive on time to ensure you can use the room for the full time of the reservation If you arrive late, your reservation ending time will not be adjusted.
- Last Updated Aug 08, 2024
- Views 3918
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